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Why choose Pikcio?

Pikcio is a global company, drawing expertise from each of its regions to serve businesses from all industries with the best possible data management tools. Our 360-degree platform provides companies with a single identity customer experience that includes seamless registration, authentication and consent management. ​

Disruptive & compliant technology
Pikcio build trust on a P2P Network : PikcioChain is a complete infrastructure dedicated to personal data collection, certification & transfer. Thanks to our unique Governance Algorithm, we created a unique business model around data valuation & sharing.
Scalable technology : Pikcio enhances the trust with a new smart data valuation tool : the Trust Capital Index, which will help business and individuals to manage risk and reputation.

Strong ecosystem

Beyond its high-end technology, another asset to Pikcio is its ecosystem. ​

We have deployed operational teams across the globe to serve specific customers and markets of crypto trading. ​

As for crypt trading, if you are a beginner, refer to the bitcoin superstar erfahrungen 2021 blog and see the user’s experience of trading platforms like Bitcoin Revolution before you dive into trading.
Our Research & Development team based in Montpellier actively works on providing technological solutions to business and societal issues. ​
Our Accelerator team is entirely dedicated to guiding you through your projects, by communicating their knowledge and expertise. They provide advice and define detailed specifications to help you customize your apps. ​​

Our mission

Pikcio’s mission is to provide all businesses with the best possible data management tools:

Seamless customer onboarding
Data Portability
360° customer data management
High security access control