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The Only Push Notification Service That Pays You

Free service. Unlimited notifications and devices. Plus we’ll pay you for MAIDs.

Prevent churn. Raise retention. Boost profits.

Set-up: Easy. Cost: Zero. Opportunities: Endless.

Add Magic to Your Mobile Engagement
Strategy with PushWizard.

No hocus-pocus: Push notifications—messages sent from apps to users’ smartphones—can more than double user retention. If you’re not sending pushes, it’s time to pick up your own phone! Our high-speed service is free and gives you unlimited messages to unlimited Android and iOS devices.

Ten Top Reasons to Pick PushWizard
1.All kinds of messages

Compose text-only pushes. Add pictures and videos. Personalize. Choose from a zillion templates we supply.

2.Easy setup and management

Integrate our SDK in minutes. Control everything from a user-friendly dashboard.

3.The right users . . .

Engage one-on-one with the right targets. Filter by location, language, device type and many other criteria.

4.. . . at the right time

Automatic delivery pings them at the perfect time, every time. Change your settings in a flash.

5.Play in our sandbox

Try out features and work out kinks in our sandbox before taking your apps live.


Your data is super safe with our 256-bit encryption.


Add apps and increase messaging any time you want. We can send hundreds of millions of pushes an hour.

8.Your stats, your schedule

See usage stats daily, weekly or monthly. Frequency’s up to you.


Log all your sent and scheduled push notifications in your own dedicated diary. Edit, schedule and resend at any time.

10.Uptime all the time

Well, virtually. Is 99 percent, guaranteed, close enough?