Schema App


from Contact Vendor


Schema Markup: The language of search engines used by Google to understand the context of the content resulting in increased findablity and customer engagement.
We make it easy & save you time
Anyone can look like a Schema markup expert with our user-friendly tools. We’ll help you with strategy, implementation, and support and have you marking up 1000s of pages in minutes.

We connect your data (versus having islands of Schema Markup)
So that search engines explicitly understand what you are about and so that you can re-purpose your data for use with Knowledge Graphs, Chatbots, etc.

Business Intelligence
We’ll show you where you are having the greatest impact in “search” so you can double down in those areas.

Schema Markup in complicated. We are committed to help you understand it. Here’s a link to get you started.

If your online presence is important to your success then you need Schema Markup.
Google Recommends It! Google advocates the adoption of Schema Markup (aka structured data). Don’t believe us, read the interview.
Be Found! The search engines explicitly understand who you are and what you are about and can, therefore, match your content to an inquiry.
Rich Results attracts the eye, which leads to more impressions, clicks, a higher click-through rate and ultimately more revenue.
Future-proof your content by ensuring that it is understood by leading-edge technologies such as chatbots, voice, and whatever else the future brings.
Use Schema App to market your organization, products, services, sales promotions, people, events, articles, videos, job openings … anything that is important to the success of your business. Sounds great, but what is Schema markup?