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Discover the collective power of social media influence

Power-up your content marketing effort. Discover the collective power of the social media influence through people networks – attract, engage, and empower your employees, customers, partners, and fans to be your best brand ambassadors with brand advocacy like never before.

How Socxo works

Curate & disseminate content

Arm users with relevant content. Curate branded, industry, and user-generated content for effective internal communication as well as external sharing.

Connect with users

Create close-knit, informed communities, encourage interaction, sustain the pace to strengthen relationships.

Engage users and prospects

Enhance engagement by encouraging lively discussions and conducting polls, campaigns, competitions, and quizzes. Foster continued activation through rewards and recognition.


Analyze results – calculate organic reach, user engagement, and resulting conversions. Tweak, fix, repeat.

Brand it as your own

White-label the solution to conform to your brand guidelines. Make brand advocacy part of your own integrated communication.