Sonar Tool


Sonar Tool: Sellics Advertising Market Intelligence

A great tool for managing software development projects. It manages code quality and provides various reports that help developers identify and fix issues in their code. A sonar tool can track code coverage, bugs, and vulnerabilities. It also provides a dashboard that gives an overview of the project’s health.

Accelerate Your Amazon Advertising

With the best of both worlds—powerful data insights and advertising optimization software—fuel your e-commerce growth engine.

Key Features:

  1. Sellics Advertising Market Intelligence
  2. Sellics Benchmarker
  3. Sellics Insights Center
  4. Advertising Optimization Software

Stay Ahead of Competitors with Unique, Powerful Insights

Strong information, conclusions, and suggestions from our analysis of 2 million Sponsored Products campaigns in 2022.

  • Get the Best Advertising ROI: Find out how to get the most out of every advertising dollar you spend.
  • Advertising Costs Across Platforms: Learn about the cost of advertising on various ad networks, including Amazon, Facebook, and Google.
  • Amazon Advertising Landscape: Recognize the changes in Amazon advertising since 2020
  • Shopper Behavior and Ad Performance: View the effectiveness of advertising campaigns across various markets, sectors, and categories.

PPC Growth Opportunities with just 1 Click

Recognize your progress and what needs to be done.

  • 100% Free
  • Monthly Trends
  • Benchmarks in Detail for 20,000 Categories
  • Useful Guides and Video Tutorials
  • Analyze your Performance Quickly and Easily

Power your Growth Based on Industry Leading Expertise

Benefits from cutting-edge PPC strategies, industry-leading research, and guides to boost your Amazon Advertising performance.

Platform to Optimize E-Commerce Advertising

Choose your budget and plan, and our continuous optimization will handle the rest. Easily scale your advertising for explosive growth.

  • Launch Goals, not Campaigns: Our technology will automatically build a high-performing campaign structure for you and fully automate your bidding and targeting based on your unique goals.
  • Always on-bid Optimization: Daily automated bid optimization guarantees that your advertising objectives are met. Our advertising optimization software takes care of placing the proper bid at the appropriate time for you.
  • Customize Based on Your Strategy: Utilize cutting-edge growth strategies, such as keyword boost and keyword harvesting, to increase your eCommerce advertising quickly.

Benefits of using Sonar Tool

Set your Own Goals

We optimize for your objectives. Enhancing ACoS, increasing revenues, and cutting costs? Select a goal, and the Sellics + Perpetua platform will take care of the rest.

Save Time

With a few clicks, you can quickly create campaigns for each of your goods with automated optimization.

Pick your Strategy

Get total freedom to carry out the strategy you’ve developed to take your brand to the next level.

Why is Sonar Tool very useful?

  1. Because it manages code quality and offers a variety of reports to assist developers in finding and correcting problems in their code, Sonar Tool is incredibly helpful.
  2. Code coverage, flaws, and vulnerabilities may all be tracked with a sonar tool.
  3. It also offers a dashboard with a status report on the project.
  4. Sonar Tool offers strong data insights and advertising optimization software to speed up the growth of e-commerce.
  5. Sonar Tool is completely free, making it easy for users to use.

Sonar – Free Amazon Keyword Tool
Amazon keyword research tool that helps Amazon sellers, vendors, and agencies find all relevant keywords for their businesses, increase product listing visibility, and improve Amazon SEO.

Generated by real Amazon shoppers in multiple languages

Our Amazon keyword tool can identify and track competitors’ keywords

100% free Sonar version available – signup is not required

Sonar keyword tool
How does Sonar keyword tool work?
Sonar is a continuously updated database of Amazon ‘product / keyword’ combinations plus the keyword tool.

The tool only includes keywords for which the ASIN is ranking on the 1st page of Amazon search results at the time of the most recent database update. If a product is relatively new and/or is not ranking well, it may not be a part of the Sonar yet.

The keyword database contains customer search queries across all product categories that have been entered into Amazon – other sources like Google are not taken into account.

How does Sonar calculate search volume of keywords on Amazon?
Amazon itself doesn’t provide any keyword search volume data. So, we have developed a prediction algorithm that calculates the probability of keyword appearance along with many other key parameters.

Result? Our customers can see real-life search volume for each search query in the Sonar database.