Viral Signups


You don’t need to be a technical whiz to set up Viral Sign Ups. Download and install our WordPress plugin and use the wizard to fill in the blanks. It’s that easy.

When someone signs up on your website, they will be prompted to get say 5 friends to sign up as well in exchange for something cool, like immediate access to your service or a free product.

Each person gets a unique url to promote your site. Every time someone signs up through their link, we’ll send them an email notification telling them how many more people they need to refer in order to claim your offer!

You as the campaign owner will be able to see how many people have signed up and the number of friends each one referred. You will also be able to export all of their emails.

Where your data is stored.
Your data is stored on our server and your auto reply emails when a new user signs up or refers a friend are sent out from our server. This way we can insure everything works smoothly and you don’t run into any difficulties with emails not being sent out.

The plugin comes with the following features.

Form Creator – choose your button text and colour

Create your custom offer to your customers for their referrals

Easily place the form anywhere on your page with a short-code

Collect up to 10,000 emails per month

With each referral your user will get an auto-response email of their progress

Export your list of sign up emails as a cvs file

Mobile Friendly

See who referred who. Emails are tagged to the person that referred them.

See the referring site url that your sign up came from

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