

from $19
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  • Monthly Subscription


Autogenerate Visual Sitemaps in Seconds.
Automatically generate beautiful visual sitemaps + high-resolution screenshots of any public or private website, making it fast and easy to perform in-depth site audits for UI, UX, SEO, and marketing research.

Simply enter a URL and get a thumbnail-based visual architecture of the entire site.


100% Cloud Automated
Need to create a sitemap for a +1000 page website by 5 pm for your new client meeting?

It’s Dead Simple.
Just enter any public or private URL and go grab a tea!

Watch How >

Screenshot Notations
Easily annotate any page(s) and get feedback from your team and clients.

Manage your feedback process with screenshot statuses.

*Only for paid plans
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Sitemap Editing
Create an optimized sitemap based on the original.

Drag ‘n drop for easy resculpting and add new sections with ease.

*Only for paid plans
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NEW! 💥 Visual QA
& Scheduled Crawls
Track any website’s visual changes… automatically.
Keep your design consistent from release to release.
Flag, Resolve, and share.

Learn more>

Crawl Password-Protected Sites
Password-protected sites can now easily and safely be crawled with your encrypted credentials.

Great for user dashboards and staging!
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Export as PDF >
Import into Sketch
Print your map as a PDF or Import and customize it more in Sketch. Watch How>

+ Export as CSV & JSON.

*Paid Pro Feature

NEW! 💥 Custom Tags
Organize and group pages like a champ! Quickly batch apply them to pages, search and filter them to see only what you need.

Learn more>

*Paid Pro Feature