Solve Media


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Effective Ad Campaigns. Guaranteed.

Solve Media’s proprietary TYPE-IN™ advertising guarantees your messaging won’t be ignored—because it can’t be. Our simple, effective and memorable TYPE-IN™ advertising lets users type in brand messages where they interact on web pages and mobile apps—replacing difficult CAPTCHAs, allowing people to skip video pre-roll ads, or unlocking access to valuable mobile experiences. The result: superior brand lift. Here’s how:

TYPE-IN™ ads:
Guarantee engagement with your message every time
Deliver 1200% greater message recall than banner ads
Outperform comScore Brand Lift norms by an average of 10X across awareness, association, favorability, and purchase intent
Are performance-based, so you only pay for true engagement. Impressions that users don’t engage with are free
Introducing TYPE-IN™ ads: A Simple Solution That Works

Solve Media’s TYPE-IN™ advertising improves your CAPTCHAs, videos, and mobile applications with a simple solution that flat-out works. Our innovative TYPE-IN™ ads create new revenue streams, improve user experience and increase security.