How to Use Google Analytics: A Complete Guide

How to Use Google Analytics: A Complete Guide

How to Use Google Analytics: A Complete Guide

How to Use Google Analytics: A Complete Guide
Are you getting the most out of Google Analytics? This essential guide will show you how to use Google Analytics to help your SEO and marketing.

How to Use Google Analytics: A Complete Guide

Peter Drucker once said, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.”

Without data, it is impossible to show what affect your SEO strategies are having.

Tracking performance and progress makes analytics invaluable to marketers.

According to HubSpot, 61 percent of respondents say generating traffic and leads is their most significant marketing challenge.

When the C-suite isn’t getting the leads they expect, they start questioning if your work is valuable. That is where data becomes crucial to digital marketers.

This guide is an overview of Google Analytics, the most robust free analytics platform available, and how SEO pros and marketers can use it to their advantage.

How Can Google Analytics Help My SEO?
Google Analytics provides access to a massive amount of data related to how users find and interact with your site.

For example, you can see how many people visited a specific page, how long they remained there, where your users live, how certain keywords perform, and so forth.

Google Analytics can be integrated on your website through code or through their WordPress plugin, Site Kit.

This information is vital in determining how effective your awesome SEO strategies are – and to uncover areas you can make improvements.

What You’ll Learn About Google Analytics
Now that you know why Google Analytics is essential to SEO, let’s talk about what you will learn in this guide.

This article is broken up into five sections based on the reports in Google Analytics.

