Christy G.


My vision and passion for online business are contagious. I LOVE helping businesses grow in areas of online marketing, social media strategies, project management, and more.

If it has to do with online business, there is a 99% chance I’ve tried it, a 75% chance I’m an expert in it and a 100% chance you can count on me to over-exceed your expectations if I take on your project.

Before freelancing, I was the co-owner of Superior Violins. In 6 short years, we became one of the lead violin shops online and grossed over $500,000. The company attained thousands of customers using social media (102,000 followers on Facebook, 36,000 subscribers on Youtube.) Staying up to date and using cutting-edge marketing strategies produced this kind of success. That achievement is what led to my passion as a freelancer. I love helping other businesses grow their companies and build their brands.

Here is a list of my skills and what I could help you with:

1. Social Media- Do you really understand what it takes to create a dynamic presence in social media? Are you always trying to figure out how to get your posts to go viral or get them shared? I can help you with this! I can do everything from start to finish. Including telling you what kind of content you need to get your social media platforms to start blowing up. I do everything from content creation, scheduling, social media reporting, management, and running ads. I work on all major channels and have extensive experience on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, and Youtube.

2. Marketing Strategy – Do you know where you could be focusing more of your time to make the most amount of money? I’m able to look at your industry as a whole and give you a complete strategy on how to grow your company. I can also take what you’ve already built and make suggestions of where you could expand and where you should cut ties with areas that are losing you money. The more money you make the faster you can expand your business!

3. Project Management- I’m organized and detail-oriented. Whether you need someone to manage a team of people or help you manage specific projects, I can promise I won’t leave out any important details. I am the queen of tasks and checklists so leave the important details to me. Two of my favorite words are effectiveness and efficiency. I’m always asking the following two questions: 1. Are the things we’re doing effective? 2. Are we doing it the most efficient way? The answer to these questions can dictate whether a company is saving or losing time and money.

4. Video & Podcast Editing/Graphics- Creating awesome content that people want to watch and share is the key to developing a presence online. I can help you bring a creative touch to your marketing content and help you boost your customer interaction with your content.

These are just a few of the things I do for clients on various platforms. If we get on a call, I promise I will make it worth every minute of your time and more!

Proficient in most major marketing/management/organizational platforms including Infusionsoft, Active Campaign, Ontraport, Click Funnels, ConvertKit, Lead Pages, Bronto, Aweber, Constant Contact, MailChimp, AWeber, GetResponse, Intercom, Pipedrive, Hootsuite, Sprout, Promo Republic, Later, HopperHq, Buffer, Planoly, Later, Trello, Basecamp, Zoho, Teamwork, Asana, Google Suite, Libsyn, ScheduleOnce, and more.