Coherent Path


A personalized email diet for every customer’s tastes
Harness the power of your creative.
Automate your email calendar.

Personalized content builds lifelong customer loyalty
See how Neiman Marcus generates hundreds of thousands of personalized emails — reducing reliance on promotions by making meaningful connections with each subscriber.

Sell more of the products you want to sell
Turn your company’s goals into sales, with email marketing software that lets the data decide what’s right for each customer, and tailors a varied diet of offers in your top-priority categories to each shopper’s personal journey.

Templates | Personalized Email Marketing Software | Email Personalization | Email Calendar | Coherent Path
Keep control of your brand with automated email campaigns
Send millions of individually personalized emails every day with dynamic templates – all while maintaining your brand’s uniquely curated look and feel.

Supercharge your email team’s productivity
Reduce the amount of labor required to get an email out with automated email personalization that integrates seamlessly with your ESP.

Productivity | Personalized Email Marketing Software | Email Personalization | Email Calendar | Coherent Path
Creative Assets | Personalized Email Marketing Software | Email Personalization | Email Calendar | Coherent Path
Get more out of every creative asset
Maximize your most important assets by reusing them in multiple email zones, featuring them in millions of personalized campaigns, testing them over time, and discovering the ideal audience for each creative