Friendly Analytics



from $99
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We Find Espionage Quite Nice.
In the Movies.
Web analytics software is commonplace nowadays. Unfortunately, data protection is not.

Friendly Analytics can do both: provide you with meaningful statistics and protect the privacy of your visitors.
Good Reasons for Friendly Analytics:
Strong Performance
With Friendly Analytics you can track page views, time spent on site and conversions, as well as work with a powerful tag manager. You have all the features you need for comprehensive data analysis.

Secure Data
We do not store any personal identifiable information of your visitors. All other data is stored securely on servers in Germany or Switzerland in compliance with the GDPR (EU) and the FADP (Switzerland).

Fair Pricing
With other services, your website visitors pay with their data. We find it more ethical to charge you a fair price for our services.

No Cookie Banner
Friendly Analytics does not set cookies and does not store any personal data. Therefore, you can use our software without annoying your website visitors with a cookie banner.

Proven Software
Friendly Analytics is based on Matomo (formerly Piwik), adjusted for maximum privacy. Matomo is the world’s most popular open source solution for web analytics. NASA, the EU Commission, and the United Nations rely on the same software.

Unlimited Support
If you get stuck, we are happy to help you – unlimited and without additional costs.