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The easiest backlink software for link audits
Award winning backlink software
Get complete visibility of your entire link profile
Combine multiple link data sources for one complete profile
Protect, fix and improve your links
Get out of spreadsheets
Backlink audit software

Kerboo is used and trusted by search professionals to make the time intensive task of doing a link audit on your backlink profile as painless as possible. Using our award winning backlink audit software you can combine multiple link data sources into one true view of the links pointed at your site. Our tools and interface make it easy for you to explore the profile and our LinkRisk and LinkValue metrics make segmenting and identifying risks and opportunities easy.

Complete overview of links and coverage acquired over the history of the account

Working within the link analysis tools of Kerboo you can quickly identify where the risks and patterns lie in the backlink profile and move efficiently to create a disavow file. By creating a disavow file you can tell Google what links you no longer want to count towards ranking and therefore insure yourself from the build up of a dangerous amount of bad links.

Two industry recognised link metrics

At Kerboo we don’t just mash up someone else’s data and pretend it provides value, we work hard to create and maintain our own metrics backed by some serious maths and an ocean of data. We have two main metrics, LinkRisk and LinkValue.

Software or consultancy

Many of our customers choose to self serve and subscribe to Kerboo as a SaaS product. Utilising our backlink audit software and metrics your team can quickly get a grip of any link related issues or opportunities.