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Where Marketers Build Apps
Dream, create, and publish. All in the same day with no code required.

Go From Idea to App
You need to move fast, delight your customers, and drive results now. Our low-code platform is made for all of the times when you needed it done yesterday.

No More Downloads!
Take control of when, how, and where your customers get access to your app. Turn every call-to-action to an app activation with a simple scan, text, click, or tap. Goodbye app store and hello freedom.

REAL Marketers Love Lumavate
Don’t take our word for it. Read theirs.

Trusted by Marketers Everywhere
Marketers at some companies of all sizes use our platform to build apps quickly.

Expertise at Your Fingertips
We’ve got you covered on the latest in mobile, digital, best practices for using our platform, and more.
Handling the Unexpected
When’s the last time something went exactly how you’d imagined it? It’s probably been a while. This is especially true for marketers. We can plan…

OCTOBER 19, 2020
Is a No Code App Builder Free too Good to Be True?
An island full of dogs you can play with, 365 vacation days a year, and vegetables that taste like chocolate cake. Unfortunately all of these…

OCTOBER 19, 2020
How to Create an App Without Coding in 3 Easy Steps
We are all so busy these days. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that everyday is unpredictable and we never know what unexpected challenge…

OCTOBER 18, 2020
Mobile Brand Crushes: Halloween Edition
Welcome to this spooky edition of our mobile brand crush series. This week we are focusing on brands that are crushing it with their Halloween…

OCTOBER 30, 2020
Lessons from Mobile Matters: Marketing + Sales = Best Friends
Merriam-Webster defines frenemy as “one who pretends to be a friend but is actually an enemy”. Know of anyone like this in your life? I…

OCTOBER 30, 2020
Grocery Shopping Deep Dive
Who ever thought we would be analyzing our grocery shopping behavior? Up until 2020 I am sure most people never thought twice about their grocery…