Market Samurai


Market Samurai

Looking to dominate your competition? Look no further than Market Samurai. This desktop-based software tool makes uncovering lucrative keywords and analyzing your competition a breeze. Use it to gain an edge in any industry, identify market opportunities, and track your SEO progress. Plus, there’s a free trial so you can try it before you buy!

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Market Samurai in their own words

Market Samurai is a desktop-based keyword research and market analysis software tool. Easy to use and exhaustive, it can help internet marketers and website owners uncover the most lucrative keywords in any industry. Use it to unveil the strengths and weaknesses of your main competitors and to identify the best market opportunities. This tool allows you to perform a full set of SEO analyses and activities such as keyword research, competitor analysis, rank tracking, domain finding, content finding, and content publishing. A free trial is available to those who want to try out all of the modules of this tool before they buy it.

Stop Struggling To Get Traffic the HARD WAY…
Download Your FREE Copy of Market Samurai and Laser-Target High-Traffic, High-Profit, Low-Competition Markets With Devastating Accuracy

99% of Marketers FAIL To Rank In The Search Engines
Because They Violate One Or More of The
4 UNBREAKABLE Golden Rules of SEO…
You break just one of these rules, and all the time, effort, money, blood sweat and tears that you’ve poured into your project, might as well have been poured down the toilet.

That’s why we’re going to show you what these 4 golden rules are, and we’re going to give you a piece of software called Market Samurai…

…Market Samurai will help you find those gold nugget opportunities that exist in your marketplace. Plus it’s going to help you avoid dead end projects before you even begin.

To discover these four Golden Rules for yourself, Just enter your name and email in box to the right.

Over the next few days you’ll also discover:
How to increase your traffic by over 900%
How to avoid the common keyword trap that can ruin all your hard work – without you even realising
The ONE key indicator to uncover the relevancy of your keywords
How to greatly reduce people leaving your site because they don’t find what they’re looking for
How to filter out the useless keywords guaranteed to cost you time and money
The Truth about Keywords: Why 90% of all keywords have low levels of traffic, and what this means for your business
The One Big Mistake in most Keyword Research and SEO tools that causes marketers to fail (Getting no traffic, even IF they get #1 Google rankings!)
How much traffic you’ll get to your web-site from a keyword, before you begin
Advanced strategies for finding relevant, high-traffic, high-quality keywords in your market
The two vital ingredients that mean front-page rankings, in days or weeks – instead of months or years – and how to check for these 2 factors in just 5 minutes
How to determine exactly what SEO activities you need to do (and what to avoid) to beat the top-ranked competitors in your industry
Real examples of market niches with massive traffic levels… but almost ZERO commercial value (keyword “land mines” to be avoided at any cost!)
The TINY differences in keyword wording that can mean the difference between big success, and failure
The one key indicator to uncover the value of a keyword market in 10 seconds – before you even target the keyword
How to take an idea and filter it down to reveal gold nugget keywords that form the foundation for your online business in under 10 minutes
A proven way to structure your website that search engines love
A Simple process that you can use, today, tomorrow, and the day after