
The Best Competitor Analysis Tools for 2023

July 24, 2021

Top  Competitor Analysis tools you should be using to stay ahead of your Competitors   

A good way to increase the success of your company is to do an in-depth analysis on how well your competitors are doing.

There are competitor analysis tools that can help you do this. These tools give you data on your competitors marketing strategies – to tell you whether their marketing campaigns are successful. They also tell you what methods you can employ to gain more visibility and brand awareness

Competitor Analysis Tools

Below we have compiled a list of 7 of our recommended marketing tools to help you complete a competitive analysis check. Most of these tools offer a free trial.


  1.   Ahrefs 

Want to know why your competitors rank higher than you on Google? 

Ahrefs is an all- in-one SEO tool that monitors and analyses your competitors’ search traffic, so you will be able to see what keywords and links your competitors are using to attract customers, you can then add them to your own site. 

Perhaps one of the best parts of the Ahrefs tool is that it also gives you a look into what kind of content your competitors are publishing and if it’s working for them, so you will be able to replicate similar content on your own company’s site.  

Price ranges from $99 per month.


  1. SpyFu

SpyFu, originally known as Google Spy allows you to see your competitors most profitable keywords. These keywords highlight what people usually search, and can show you what kind of content people are looking for so you can produce it. 

The tool also gives you information on what marketing campaigns have worked for your competitor so you can also duplicate similar marketing strategies

SpyFu also gives you great insight into your own company website, as the tool allows you to scan your own account to see if you are wasting money on Google Ad’s.  

It’s also worth noting that SpyFu, like a lot of these tools listed, offer a free trial so you don’t have to purchase without trying them out first.  

Price ranges from $33 per month. 

  1. SimilarWeb

SimilarWeb is a great competitive analysis tool to have in your arsenal. 

With SimilarWeb you’ll be able to get a peek at your competitors online strategy, identify emerging trends and discover what opportunities and ad partners could be out there for your own business. 

SimilarWeb delivers all this information in a user friendly and easy to digest format, so even those who are not too savvy with SimilarWeb can still understand the data. 

Prices vary. 

  1. HotJar 

Hotjar is a great tool to let you know what a potential customer is doing on your site and can help you fill in the gaps as to why visits to your site don’t always equal sales. 

The Hotjar tool records what the customer sees and how well they are able to navigate their way around, where customers pause their mouse and what keywords they search in your site. This gives you a chance to rectify any deficiencies in your site and maybe expand what you have to offer. 


Prices range from $99

  1. Majestic 

The next competitive analysis tool on our list is Majestic

Majestic offers you a mine of data at the tip of your fingertips. With Majestic you’ll be able to get backlink data on all your competitors. Backlinks are strategically placed links to guide someone from one website to another. The more backlinks you have connecting you to other reputable sites the higher you will rank on search engines. This is why it is important to find good partners to link to your site. Majestic can give you good options for partners, as it is able to identify who your competitors backlinks are. 

Majestic also offers the additional benefits of:

  • Being able to check out every site’s top backlinks to help improve discoverability.
  • Discover link opportunities by looking at your competitor websites.
  • As well as being about to track your marketing campaigns with the Majestic Campaign feature, which helps you keep organised. 

Prices range from $49


  1. Mention

Mention is a feedback-esque tool that monitors the web, listens to your audience and helps you manage your social media. 

If you want to know; what is being said about the competition or to know just what they are getting right, this is the tool for you. 

With Mention you’ll also be able to understand how your brand is perceived online so you will be able to get ahead of any crisis. 

Prices range from $29

  1. Serpstat

Serpstat is an award-winning growth hacking tool for content marketing, SEO and keyword analysis. What this means is that you’ll need Serpstat if you want an edge over your competitors; the tool analyses your website and that of your competitors to give you comparative data on your competitors and the keywords they use to keep their sites visible. 

Serpstat has 5 main features it provides: 

  1. Rank tracking<span style=”font-weight: 400;”> – where it monitors you and your competitors rank, and where the search engine results pages are analysed.
  2. Backlink analysis<span style=”font-weight: 400;”> – where it collects data on competitor’s website links.
  3. Keyword research<span style=”font-weight: 400;”> – where keywords can be searched, compared and used for your own company.
  4. Site audit<span style=”font-weight: 400;”> – where your company can be analysed to find out its ranking.
  5. Competitor research – where your top competitors are immediately identified so you can conduct a side-by-side comparative analysis.

Serpstat delivers all that data in a timely manner and on a bright, clean interface. 

Prices range from $69

We will be updating the ever-growing list of competitor analysis tools as we go along.