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Boost Your Marketing with Highly Interactive Content
Calculators | Quizzes | Assessments | Recommendations | Polls |Chatbots
A New Marketing Toolkit
Boost Lead Generation
Calculators & quizzes engage customers at a psychological level. This leads to record conversion rates of over 60% consistently!
Add Value Calculators give personalized answers to your customer’s most pressing questions about your industry.
Go Viral Quizzes and calculators tend to go viral. You reach a wider audience, your brand gets noticed, and your referral traffic shoots through the roof.
Extract Intelligent Analytics Which prospect is an Eagles fan? Who has more than 20 employees? Get customer insights without being pushy!
Did you know? 7 of the 20 most shared articles on Buzzfeed are quizzes!
Beautiful Engaging Experiences
Without Developers Create beautiful experiences in minutes with our simple, yet powerful development studio.
Appealing layouts that set your UX apart
Showcase your brand with quick customizations
Publish in minutes, with no IT headache
Publish on your domain or a URL of your choice.
Embed beautifully in any App, Webpage or CMS.
Present as a Pop-up or a slide-in.
See record conversion rates with interactive lead generation forms.
Go viral with seamless Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin integrations.
Boost Growth
Hyper-targeted sales outreach with rich customer data
Track visits, conversions and traffic from across all channels
Easily integrate with over 500 sales & marketing tools
Analyze & Improve
Who could have guessed? New York Times, most successful content is actually a quiz! Who could have guessed?