Seventh Sense


from $149
  • Monthly Subscription


Get Better Results With Your Email Marketing

AI software designed to personalize email delivery times and frequency for maximum performance and engagement.

Get Better Results With Your Email Marketing

Out of the box integrations with best in class marketing automation platforms.
HubSpot App Partner

Email inboxes are noisy and attention spans are at an all-time low. Break through the clutter using artificial intelligence.
Modern email marketing has consequences.
Executives and Marketers believe email is a free, no-consequence channel. That’s why email marketing is so widely overused and abused, making it tough to be successful.

If you don’t make a change with the way you’re approaching your email marketing, you’ll…

Have to keep explaining to your leadership team why email is producing disappointing results.

Waste a lot of time and energy on A/B testing that’s inconclusive and unhelpful.

Continue investing in the wrong resources and tools that don’t get you results.

Marketers deserve better results based on the time and effort they put into their email marketing efforts.

A smarter way to send email.
There’s more competition than ever for attention in inboxes. When you use Seventh Sense’s artificial intelligence to optimize and personalize email delivery times for each individual in your database, you’ll see more engagement and better results with your email marketing.