
A Comprehensive Guide to A/B Testing Tools

August 1, 2022

A Comprehensive Guide to A/B Testing Tools

When it comes to optimization and improving website performance, A/B testing is one of the best tools available to marketers. A/B testing allows you to compare two variants of a web page or email against each other to determine which variation performs better.

Unsure how to get started with A/B testing?

A/B testing is a valuable tool for understanding how different changes to your website can impact your conversion rate. It’s a great way to figure out what works and what doesn’t on your site, so you can make the necessary changes to improve your sales.


If you’re looking for a guide on how to get started with A/B testing, look no further! We’ll discuss the different types of tools available and how to choose the right one for your needs. Plus, we’ll cover some tips on how to get started with this process.

What is A/B testing, and how does it work

A/B testing compares two web page versions to see which one performs better. A/B tests are commonly used to test changes to the design of a website, such as the color of a call-to-action button or the layout of a landing page. However, they can also be used to test changes to the content or copy on a page.


To run an A/B test, visitors to the site are randomly shown either version A or version B. The performance of each version is then tracked, and the version with the better results is chosen as the winner. A/B testing is an essential tool for any business that wants to optimize its website for conversion.

The benefits of using A/B testing tools

  • Improved website performance: A/B testing can help you improve the performance of your website by allowing you to test different changes and see which ones have the biggest impact on conversion.
  • Better decision making: With A/B testing, you can make informed decisions about what changes to make to your website based on data rather than guesswork.
  • Increased ROI: By making changes to your website that are based on data from A/B tests, you can see a higher return on investment from your optimization efforts.


A/B testing is a powerful tool that can help you improve the performance of your website. If you’re not using A/B testing tools, then you

How to choose the right A/B testing tool for your business

  1. Ease of use: The best A/B testing tools are user-friendly and easy to set up. You shouldn’t need a computer science degree to learn how to use the tool.


  1. price: Of course, you’ll want to consider price when choosing an A/B testing tool. However, remember that you get what you pay for. The most expensive option isn’t necessarily the best, but the cheapest option might not have all the features you need.


  1. Features: Consider what is important to you and ensure the A/B testing tool you choose has them. For example, if you’re looking for a tool that can test multiple variations of your site, make sure the tool you choose offers that feature.


  1. Integrations: If you’re using other software platforms for your business (such as a CRM or eCommerce platform), ensure the A/B testing tool you choose integrates with them. This will make it easier to manage your tests and track your results.


By considering these factors, you can be sure to choose the right A/B testing tool for your business needs.

Here are the 10 A/B Testing Tools that can help you:

1. AB Tasty

AB Tasty is a powerful tool that allows you to create and track the results of your A/B tests. With AB Tasty, you can easily create different versions of your web page or app and track which version performs better.


You can also use AB Tasty to test different pieces of content, such as headlines, images, and call-to-action buttons. In addition, AB Tasty provides a wide range of features that make it easy to manage your tests and track your results.


Key Features:

  • Ease of use: AB Tasty is user-friendly and easy to set up.
  • Powerful features: With AB Tasty, you can easily create different versions of your web page or app and track which version performs better.
  • Integrations: AB Tasty integrates with a wide range of software platforms, making it easy to manage your tests and track your results.

2. Apptimize

Apptimize is a powerful A/B testing tool that helps you optimize your mobile app for greater conversion rates. With Apptimize, you can test different versions of your app against each other to see which one performs better.


You can also test different features of your app to see which ones users prefer. Apptimize makes it easy to track conversions and compare results so you can make informed decisions about how to improve your app.


Key Features:

3. ConvertBox

With Convertbox, you can create multiple versions of your website or landing page and track which version performs better. You can also use the Convert box to test different page elements, such as headlines, images, and call-to-action buttons. Plus, Convertbox makes it easy to track your results and analyze your data. With its powerful features and easy-to-use interface.


Key Features:

  • A/B testing: Create multiple versions of your website or landing page and track which version performs better.
  • Page element testing: Test different elements of your page, such as headlines, images, and call-to-action buttons, to see which ones have the biggest impact on conversion rates.
  • Multivariate testing: Test multiple variables simultaneously to see which combinations perform the best.

4. Ever Webinar

EverWebinar is an A/B testing tool that makes testing different variants of your webinars easy. With EverWebinar, you can test things like the length of your webinar, the time of day it’s held, or the format of your presentation. You can find the perfect combination that leads to the best results by testing different elements of your webinar.


Key Features:

  • Make it easy to test different aspects of your webinars to see what works best for your audience.
  • It is an essential tool for any business that wants to improve its conversion rates and grow its customer base.

5. Express Pigeon

If you’re looking for a way to improve your email marketing campaign, consider using Express Pigeon’s A/B testing tools. A/B testing allows you to compare two versions of an email and see which one performs better. With Express Pigeon, you can test different subject lines, content, send times, and more. This can be a great way to fine-tune your email marketing strategy and ensure you’re sending your subscribers the best possible emails.


Key Features:

  • You can quickly create test campaigns and start gathering data with minimal effort. 
  • It offers many templates and themes to choose from, so you can find the perfect look for your brand.

6. Fomo

It is a leading provider of A/B testing tools, making it easy to test different versions of your site or app and compare results. Fomo’s tools are easy to use and provide real-time results, so you can make informed decisions about which changes to make. Whether you want to improve your conversion rate or engagement, Fomo’s A/B testing tools can help you achieve your goals.


Key Features:

  • With Fomo, you can easily create and manage multiple website versions, track visitor behavior, and test different design and user experience elements.
  • It makes it easy to share test results with your team, so you can make informed decisions about which changes to implement. 

7. Go Biggi

Go Biggi is a powerful A/B testing tool that can help you improve your website’s conversion rates. With Go Biggi, you can create multiple versions of your website and test different elements to see which ones are most effective.


For example, you might test different headlines, images, or call-to-action buttons to see which results in the most clicks. Go Biggi also makes it easy to track your results and analyze your data so you can make informed decisions about your website’s design.


Key Features:

  • It offers a wide range of tests that can be used to evaluate different aspects of a website or app.
  • Go Biggi provides detailed reports that make it easy to see how different variants of a website or app perform. These reports can be customized to show only the most relevant data to the user.
  • Go Biggi offers a money-back guarantee if a user is unsatisfied with their test results.

8. Landingi

Landingi is a powerful A/B testing tool that makes it easy to test different versions of your landing pages and see which one performs better. With Landingi, you can create multiple versions of your page and track metrics like conversion rate and bounce rate to see which version is more effective. You can also use Landingi to split traffic between your pages to test different versions with real users.


Key Features:

  •  Landingi’s visual editor makes it easy to create and test different versions of your pages without having to code.
  • Landingi is its ability to track visitor behavior.
  • Provides detailed reports that show you how your tests are performing

9. Lean Plum

Lean Plum is designed to be easy to use and understand, focusing on helping you make the most of your data. It offers several features that make it unique, including real-time results, split-testing, and dynamic optimization. Perhaps best of all, it integrates with a wide range of platforms and services, making it a versatile tool that businesses of all sizes can use.


Key Features:

10. Medallia

Medallia is a leader in customer experience management, offering a suite of A/B testing tools to help businesses optimize their websites and mobile apps. With Medallia, businesses can test different versions of their web pages or app interfaces to see which version performs better with users. This allows businesses to make data-driven decisions about how to improve their online experience for customers.


Key Features:

  • Medallia offers a split-URL test, which allows you to test different page versions with a single URL. 
  • Medallia offers detailed reporting that can help you understand the results of your tests and make informed decisions about your marketing strategy.


These are just a few of the many great A/B testing tools available to businesses. By choosing the right tool for your needs, you can make data-driven decisions about your website’s design and improve your conversion rates.

Case studies of businesses that have benefited from using A/B testing tools

Airbnb used A/B testing to test different versions of their website’s search results page. They found that a version with more photos and less text resulted in a 12% increase in bookings.


The online retailer Wayfair used A/B testing to test different versions of their website’s home page. They found that a version with more product images and less text resulted in a 20% increase in sales. used A/B testing to test different versions of their email confirmation emails. They found that a version with more visual elements resulted in a 21% increase in click-through rates.


Zillow: Zillow used A/B testing to test different versions of their search results page. They found that a version with more photos and less text resulted in a 12% increase in bookings.

How do you analyze your tests’ results and improve your website or app accordingly?

  • Look at the overall performance of the test. How many people completed it? How long did it take them? Were there any errors?
  • Compare the results of different groups of users. For example, compare the results of people who use your site regularly with those who are new to it.
  • Look at how each variable performed in isolation. This will help you understand which variables had the biggest impact on performance.
  • Make changes to your website or app based on your findings. Try to implement changes that will have the biggest impact on performance.
  • Monitor your results over time to see if your changes had the desired effect. If not, continue testing until you find a combination of variables that does improve performance.
  • Look at how different types of users interact with your site or app. For example, compare the behaviors of people who convert with those who don’t.


Once you’ve identified areas that need improvement, you can make changes to your website or app and test again. This cycle of testing, analyzing, and improving will help you gradually improve the performance of your site or app.

What are some common mistakes people make when conducting A/B tests?

  1. One common mistake is to test too many variables at once. This can make it difficult to isolate the effect of each variable and make informed decisions about future tests.


  1. Another common mistake is to start with a sample size that’s too small. This can lead to results that are not statistically significant, making it difficult to trust the test results.


  1. Finally, people sometimes make the mistake of not analyzing the results of their tests carefully. This can lead to making decisions based on incomplete or inaccurate data.


What are some common pitfalls to avoid when conducting A/B tests?

  1. Ensure you’re testing two completely different versions of your page. If there’s only a small difference between the two, it will be difficult to tell which version performs better.
  2. Avoid making assumptions about why a particular version is performing better. It’s easy to fall into the trap of confirmation bias, but Remember that correlation does not equal causation.
  3. Make sure to run your tests for long enough to get reliable results. Depending on your website’s traffic, this could mean running the test for several weeks or even months.

 How to set up an A/B test using an A/B testing tool

  • Choose the element you want to test
  • Choose the metric you want to track
  • Set up your control and treatment groups
  • Run the test for a sufficient amount of time
  • Analyze the results carefully
  • Make changes to your website or app based on what you’ve learned
  • Repeat the testing, analyzing, and improving cycle to continue making progress.


No matter what tool you use, the process for conducting an A/B test is generally the same.

Tips for getting the most out of your A/B testing tool

  1. Define your goals. What are you hoping to accomplish with your A/B test? Are you trying to increase click-through rates, conversions, or something else? Be specific about what you’re trying to achieve, as this will help you measure the success of your test.


  1. Create clear hypotheses. Once you know what you want to achieve, you need to develop hypotheses about what will achieve it. For example, if you’re trying to increase click-through rates, you might hypothesize that a more eye-catching headline will be more successful than a more straightforward one.


  1. Test one variable at a time. It can be tempting to try to test multiple variables at once, but this can make it difficult to determine which variable is responsible for any performance changes. Instead, focus on testing one variable at a time so that you can isolate its effect.


  1. Keep your sample size small at first. It’s important to have a large enough sample size to ensure that your results are statistically significant, but starting too large can be expensive and time-consuming. Start with smaller sample size and then expand as needed.


  1. Use control and treatment groups. A/B tests typically involve two groups: a control group that receives the current version of whatever you’re testing (the “A”), and a treatment group that receives the new version (the “B”). This allows you to compare the performance of the two versions side by side.


  1. Analyze the results carefully. Once your test is complete, take some time to analyze the results carefully. Don’t just look at the overall performance metrics; dig deeper to see how each variable performed in isolation. This will help you understand what worked and what didn’t so that you can refine your hypotheses for future tests.


Here’s a comprehensive guide to some of the best A/B testing tools out there, so you can make informed decisions about which tool is right for you.


  1. How do you conduct an A/B test?
  2. There are a few steps involved in conducting an A/B test. First, you need to decide what you want to test. Next, you must create two or more versions of your site or app. Then, you need to track the performance of each version using metrics like conversion rate or time on site. Finally, you need to analyze the test results and make changes accordingly.


  1. How do you choose the right A/B testing tool for your needs?
  2. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. It depends on several factors, including your budget, the size of your team, and the complexity of your tests.


  1. How often should you conduct A/B tests?
  2. There’s no definitive answer to this question. Some experts recommend conducting A/B tests regularly, even if you’re not seeing any immediate problems. Others recommend only conducting A/B tests when you have a specific problem that you’re trying to solve.


In Conclusion

Remember, when it comes to A/B testing, don’t be afraid to experiment with different tools and techniques to see what works best for your business. A/B testing is a valuable tool for any business, and there are many different options when it comes to software.


Choosing the right tool depends on several factors, so it’s important to do your research before making a decision. Test early and often to get the most out of your A/B testing efforts. We hope you find one that meets your needs and helps you achieve your desired results. Thank you for reading!