Social Media Wall


from $6.67
  • Free
  • Monthly Subscription


Social media aggregator platform to create social media wall
New to social wall? Learn more

Display on any digital signage

Embed on any website

Integrate with your app

Or, print using a photo printer

Do you need social media wall for event or website? is a social media aggregator platform to create your social wall for events and websites. Setup your social feeds and see your social wall in action instantly.

Platform features
Easy setup
Powerful preview editor
Embed only once
Real time aggregation
Advanced moderation
Automatic filtering
Advanced branding
Responsive display
Add team members

All your social feeds at one place
Showcase the best of your social media conversations from social networks like Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. Select multiple accounts or hashtags for your social wall. Moderate posts and add custom branding to make your social wall amplify your brand’s voice.

Are you a developer looking for social media aggregator tool API?
Get one standard JSON data feed from multiple social feeds. Enter your hashtags, profiles, and all other social feeds in your social wall. Get JSON feed using REST API.

Do you need to print photos from Instagram? lets you print photos directly from Instagram and from all other popular social networks using your photo printer. Setup your own Instagram hashtag printer.

How to Create Free Social Wall
Create a social wall with’s free platform in just 5 easy steps

Sign up for a free account
Connect your social accounts to let the platform fetch posts
Create your social wall by adding content like hashtags, profiles, pages, lists, etc,.
Customize display of your social wall. You can change layout, colors, fonts, add custom posts, banner, background, etc,.
When you are ready, publish your social wall and embed it on your website, display it on a TV screen or share it with the world.