Social Media Manager/ SEM Specialist

Social Media Manager/ SEM Specialist

Social Media Manager/ SEM Specialist


SEM Specialist

– Worked towards search engine optimization and sustained website engagement from target audience by discovery and expansion of keyword opportunities and website analytics.
– Deliberate planning, strategy and goal setting
– Development of brand awareness and online reputation
– Content management (including website)
– SEM (search engine marketing) and generation of inbound traffic
– Cultivation of leads and sales
– Reputation management
– Develop creative and engaging social media strategies
– Create engaging multimedia content across multiple platforms
– Develop, launch and manage competitions and campaigns that promote organization and brand
Manage Facilitate social media communities by responding to social media posts and developing discussion
– Monitor, track, analyze and report on performance on social media platforms
– Set targets to increase brand awareness and increase engagement
– Graphic designing, copy writing, content planning and strategy planning