Zoho Campaigns

Zoho Campaigns
- Free
- Monthly Subscription
Email marketing software that drives sales.
Create, send, and track email campaigns that help you build a strong customer base. From beautiful email templates to an easy-to-use editor, and automation tools to real-time analytics, Zoho Campaigns has it all.
Smart email newsletter templates
Choose the right design from our free template collection for creating your best email campaign.
Grow with Zoho Campaigns.
Build your audience, run targeted email campaigns, and increase your reach. Our email marketing software helps you become the marketer you always wanted to be.
Smart Email Marketing.
Use smart email marketing tools from Zoho Campaigns to send out emails and make your email engagement experience smooth and rewarding while you convert more contacts to customers.
Take the guess-work off your email campaigns.
Test, improve, and succeed. Insightful reports tell you every detail of your campaign performance—unique opens, clicks, shares, and more.
Integration with Zoho CRM.
If you keep your contact data in Zoho CRM, you can sync your account with Zoho Campaigns, send out emails, and see the results inside your CRM account for an easy follow-up.
Permission-based email marketing.
Achieve better engagement rates by managing approval. Send email campaigns only to those who have opted to receive your emails.
Automate your email marketing.
Send follow-up messages with ease using our email marketing automation tools. Email workflows and autoresponders let you trigger emails based on a contact’s activity.
Personal connections with personalized email campaigns.
Go beyond the first name. Make your messages dynamic so that every contact feels that your message is written just for them.