
Social Proof Tools 2023

July 11, 2022

Social Proof Tools

2022 is the year of social proof. Businesses are shifting online, and there’s an increased focus on building trust and credibility with potential customers.

As a result, social proof is more important than ever before. Nobody wants to be the first to buy something or sign up for a new service, so social proof helps people feel more comfortable taking that leap.

But what exactly is social proof? And how can you use it to boost your business? Keep reading to find out.

We have highlighted some of the best social proof tools below. We have personally used these and can attest to their effectiveness.

What is a Social Proof?

Social proof is a psychological and social phenomenon where people assume the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behavior for a given situation.

When we see other people doing something, we often assume it must be the correct thing. After all, why would so many people do it if it wasn’t the right thing to do?

When we visit a website, we often look for signs of social proof to determine whether or not we can trust the site.

Have you ever visited a site with a notification that says, “XYZ people are currently looking at this site”?

That’s social proof in action.

Or what about when you see a notification that someone has just made a purchase?

That’s social proof at work, too. Statistics show that 88% of people read reviews before making a purchase, whereas 70% trust strangers’ recommendations.

Now let’s move on and look at some of the best social proof software you can use to boost your business.


FOMO is a social proof tool that allows you to create notifications that will pop up on your website and show potential customers what others are doing on your site in real-time.

For example, you can create a notification that will pop up and say, “3 people are currently looking at this product”.

You can also use FOMO to create notifications that show when someone has just made a purchase.

How Does FOMO Work?

FOMO works by tracking the interactions of your website visitors and then displaying notifications based on those interactions.

For example, if you have FOMO installed on your site and someone adds an item to their cart, FOMO will track that interaction and then display a notification that says “Someone has just bought XYZ product” or something similar.

You can also use FOMO to create notifications that show when someone has signed up for your newsletter or liked one of your blog posts.

With FOMO, you are not just boosting sales; you are also building trust and credibility with potential customers.

What Activities Can You Track With FOMO?

With FOMO, you can track a variety of interactions, including:

  • Purchases
  • Signups
  • Shares
  • Active visitors
  • Adds to cart
  • Completions of goals

In simple words, FOMO allows you to increase your conversion rate by showing potential customers what others are doing on your site in real-time.

Essential Features of FOMO

Here are some of the essential features of FOMO:

Real-time tracking: FOMO tracks the interactions of your website visitors in real-time and then displays notifications based on those interactions.

This allows you to show potential customers what other people are doing on your site in real-time, which can help increase your conversion rate.

Flexible notifications: With FOMO, you can create notifications that are triggered by a variety of interactions, including purchases, signups, shares, active visitors, and more.

Page rules:  FOMO allows you to create page rules that determine when and where notifications are displayed.

For example, you can create a rule that says notifications should only be displayed on your product pages.

Template rules: FOMO also allows you to create template rules that determine the look and feel of your notifications. This way, you can design notifications that match the look and feel of your website.

103+ Integrations: FOMO integrates with a variety of popular platforms and services, including Shopify, WooCommerce, Google Analytics, Zapier, and more.

FOMO lets you have control over the time and frequency of the notifications, as well as their content and design. You can use FOMO to create notifications triggered by various interactions, including purchases, signups, shares, active visitors, and more.

Pricing of FOMO

FOMO offers a 14-day free trial and four paid plans:

The Basic plan starts at $19/month and allows you to 25,000 notifications and use all of the essential features.

The second plan starts at $39/month and allows you to create up to 50,000 notifications, use all essential features, and access premium features such as A/B testing and custom CSS.

The third plan starts at $79/month and allows you to track 250,000 notifications and use all essential features.

The final plan is the Enterprise plan which is priced at $199/month and allows you to create 3,000,000 notifications.

2) Boast

Here comes the second-best social proof tool on the list, and that is It’s a video testimonial platform that helps you increase your conversion rate and boost your sales.

Video testimonials are one of the most powerful types of social proof because they allow potential customers to see and hear what other people say about your product or service.

With Boast, you can easily collect and manage your video testimonials. The platform makes it easy to embed your video testimonials on your website, social media, and even in your email marketing campaigns.

How does Boast work?

The platform works by creating testimonial forms that you can send to your customers via email, message, or even embed on your website.

When customers fill out the form, they are asked to record a video testimonial. Once the testimonial is recorded, it is automatically uploaded to the Boast platform, where you can review it and approve it for use.

Boast also lets you send reminder emails to customers who have not yet recorded a testimonial. This way, you can ensure that you always have fresh video testimonials.

Also, the forms are mobile-friendly, so your customers can easily record a testimonial even if they are not at their computers.

Features of Boast

Pre-built templates:  Boast comes with a variety of pre-built templates that you can use to collect testimonials from your customers.

Customer surveys: This is another feature of Boast that allows you to collect feedback from your customers and then use that feedback to improve your product or service.

Online reviews: Boast allows you to collect and manage your online reviews. This way, you can ensure that all of your reviews are positive and accurate.

Other Features:

Feedback Kiosk: An app that is not developed yet but will be available soon. The Feedback Kiosk allows you to collect customer feedback in person. It will be a great way to collect testimonials at trade shows or events.


With this feature, you can offer incentives to customers who record a testimonial. This is a great way to increase the number of video testimonials you collect. However, Boast is yet to develop this feature. It’s tagged as coming soon on their site.

How does the Price Look

Boast has three pricing plans:

The Plus plan starts at $50/month and allows you to collect up to 600 responses. This package is ideal for businesses that are looking to grow or have a larger customer base.

The Team plan starts at $100/month and allows you to collect up to 1,800 responses. Agencies, consultants, and small businesses that are looking to scale their operations will find this package beneficial.

The Premium plan starts at $208/month and allows you to collect up to 60,000 responses. This is the most comprehensive package offered by Boast and is perfect for enterprise businesses.

You can contact Boast for a custom quote if you need even more responses. Also, Boast has a free trial of 14 days, so you can try out the platform before you commit to a paid plan.

3) Proof

Proof is the third-best social proof tool on the list. It’s software that helps you increase your website’s conversion rate by adding social proof notifications to your site.

Proof claims they can increase your conversion rate by up to 15% in just 15 minutes.

Proof lets you display a variety of social proof notifications on your website, such as:

  • The number of people who are currently viewing your site
  • The number of people who have purchased your product
  • The number of people who have signed up for your newsletter

How does Proof work?

Proof helps you convert website visitors into customers by displaying social proof notifications on your site.

When someone visits your site, Proof will show them a notification that says how many other people are currently viewing your site. This helps create a sense of urgency and encourages the visitor to take action.

Here is how Proof does it:

Hot Streaks: Hot streaks are notifications that show when someone has taken any action on your site, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.

Live Visitor Count: The live visitor count is a real-time notification showing how many people are viewing your site.

Recent Activity Feed: The recent activity feed is a real-time notification showing what people are doing on your site.

These notifications create a sense of urgency and encourage visitors to take action.

Proof also has a few other features that are worth mentioning:

A/B Testing: You can use Proof’s A/B testing feature to test different notification types and see which converts best. This helps businesses understand whether the leads coming are either with Proof or not.

Analytics: Proof also comes with an analytics dashboard that lets you track your progress and see how well your social proof notifications perform.

Customization: You can also customize the look and feel of your social proof notifications to match your brand.

1000+ Integrations: Proof integrates with over 1,000 platforms and software, such as WordPress, Shopify, Zapier, and HubSpot.

Pricing of Proof

Proof has two pricing plans based on monthly visitors:

If you choose to pay annually, the price stands at 66$/year.

4) Prove Source

Prove Source is the fourth-best social proof tool on this list. It’s a platform that helps businesses increase their conversion rate by adding social proof notifications to their website.

This works almost the same way as the previous platforms we discussed. You can customize the notifications to match your brand and display a variety of social proof notifications on your website. The best thing is the process is automatic, and you don’t need to do anything manually.

How does ProveSource Work?

When someone visits your website, ProveSource will show them a notification that says how many other people are currently viewing your site. This helps create a sense of urgency and encourages the visitor to take action.

The process is very simple:

Create an account: You first need to create an account with ProveSource and connect your website. It hardly takes 30 seconds.

Install snippet: Once you have connected your website, you need to install a Prove Source snippet on your site. Now just refresh to confirm it’s working.

Create notifications: The next step is to create notifications. You can customize it with color, position, message, display rules, and more.

Convert more visitors: That’s it! Now you need to sit back and relax while ProveSource increases your conversion rate.

Track and monitor everything: You can track everything from the ProveSource dashboard. It shows how many people have seen your notifications, clicked on it, and more.

Pricing of Prove Source

ProveSource three plans – one is free, and two are paid plans. The paid plans start at $18/month and go up to $45/month for 50k monthly visitors.


There you go! Social proof is one of the most powerful conversion rate optimization techniques. If you’re not using it, you’re missing out on a lot of potential sales and leads.

Many social proof tools are available, but we have only discussed the best ones in this article. These are the ones that are easy to use, have a lot of features, and are affordable.

If you’re looking for a social proof tool to increase your conversion rate, any of the ones we discussed would be a good choice.

To discover more Social Proof Tools, please explore further